Notice Board
Below, you will find notices of events, services and useful advice. We've also included links to other local websites and social media pages. We are not responsible for the content on these sites.
Nextdoor is a great way to stay informed about what’s going on in your neighbourhood - whether it’s finding a last-minute babysitter, planning a local event, or sharing safety tips. There are so many ways our neighbours can help us, we just need an easier way to connect with them.
Changes to mobile library services
Click the image above for the new timetable.
Norfolk County Council have made some changes to the mobile library service, following the public consultation last year and the final decisions made by Norfolk County Council Cabinet in January 2023. They are preparing to decommission one mobile library and continue to operate five vehicles, and an electric mini mobile, due for commission later this year. In accordance with the key principles agreed by Members, Norfolk Library and Information Service will cease the majority of stops that happen within 1.5 miles of a branch library.
They will be working with customers to ensure they know what is happening. Anyone that is unable to visit a branch library will be able to contact their local library and request a visit from the Home Library Service (HLS) that is operated in partnership with the Royal Voluntary Services (RVS).
Trees & Hedges
Residents are reminded of their responsibility to cut back overgrowing trees and hedges from public footways and neighbouring properties. Please be mindful however of nesting birds. Certain restrictions apply during the nesting/breeding season so, for more information, please see (Wildlife and Countryside Act). If managed appropriately at the correct time of year, there should be little need for trees, shrubs and hedges to be pruned during the spring.
Recycling scheme
The recycling banks located on Station Road generate funds for the benefit of the village. Papers and magazines but no cardboard or crisp packets please in the paper bank. Please separate clear and coloured glass into the appropriate bins and no general rubbish please.
Defibrillator (AED)
The Parish Council maintains a defibrillator (AED) which is located in the old telephone box on the High Street. In the event of a cardiac arrest, phone 999 and, if appropriate, they will instruct you on how to access the defibrillator.
Power Cuts
Phone 105 or 0800 3163 105
If you experience a power cut or damaged power lines you can report it to UK Power Networks. Also check here for updates on any reported problems.
Norfolk Swift Response
Norfolk Swift Response provides a 24 hour, 365 day a year service which offers help, support and reassurance if a person has an urgent, unplanned need at home but doesn't need one of the Emergency Services.
For example, if a person falls and needs help but does not need an ambulance or unexpectedly needs assistance with personal care. The service is free for people living in Norfolk and aged 18 or over. You do not have to be eligible for social care funding to use it.
Call 0344 800 8020 (option 1)